lay aside


lay aside 的定义

v. 动词 verb

  1. to abandon or reject
  2. to store or reserve for future use

lay aside 近义词

lay aside

等同于 interrupt

lay aside

等同于 pigeonhole

lay aside

等同于 put away/put aside/put by

lay aside

等同于 relinquish

lay aside

等同于 salt away

lay aside

等同于 save

lay aside

等同于 bank

lay aside

等同于 shelve

lay aside

等同于 suspend

lay aside

等同于 sock away

lay aside

等同于 dismiss

更多lay aside例句

  1. One police officer was coolly dispatched as he lay wounded on the sidewalk.
  2. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour 6, 1/2-cup ramekins and set aside.
  3. Grotesque profiteering aside, life release ceremonies can devastate the eco-system.
  4. Aside from a blanket ban, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit are nearly impossible to control.
  5. Lay the butterflied pork loin on the cutting board with the fat cap facing down.
  6. A small book, bound in full purple calf, lay half hidden in a nest of fine tissue paper on the dressing-table.
  7. Then the door opened, the portiere was swept aside, and Anselme announced "Monsieur de Garnache."
  8. The seed of discontent was again germinating under the duplicity of the Spanish lay and clerical authorities.
  9. Finally, let me ask the general reader to put aside all prejudice, and give both sides a fair hearing.
  10. In withdrawing aside sorrow remaineth: and the substance of the poor is according to his heart.